Day 0327

An interstitial day, waiting for the interview tomorrow.

Always over-complicate my responses, equivocate. Don't want to be pinned down - don't like how Chomsky quotes adversaries and says 'X maintains', in the present tense, excluding the possibility that their stance has changed. I don't want people to say 'Sam maintains', I want it to be known that I only maintain that which I believe to be maximally expeditious, and that changes from moment to moment.

But belief can also be inferred from behaviour. Mostly my behaviour is similarly avoidant and non-commital. How do we find out what we believe? By telling ourselves? By observing our own behaviour? By being told? All of the above and more, no doubt.

Lopsided, malproportioned sloppy drawing, but not sufficiently bothered to self-censor and do a better attempt today. Here it is; bad work.