Day 0333
Read Yuval Harari's latest book, Homo Deus. Interest in the narrating self, that we write our own story and believe it. That actually we are just biological algorithms and the stories we tell ourselves, such as the idea that we are individuals with free will, are comforting delusions.
Free will exists only in the imaginary stories we humans have invented. Yuval Noah Harari - Homo Deus
Most people identify with their narrating self. When they say, ‘I,’ they mean the story in their head, not the stream of experiences they undergo. We identify with the inner system that takes the crazy chaos of life and spins out of it seemingly logical and consistent yarns. It doesn’t matter that the plot is filled with lies and lacunas, and that it is rewritten again and again, so that today’s story flatly contradicts yesterday’s; the important thing is that we always retain the feeling that we have a single unchanging identity from birth to death (and perhaps from even beyond the grave). This gives rise to the questionable liberal belief that I am an individual, and that I possess a consistent and clear inner voice, which provides meaning for the entire universe.Yuval Noah Harari - Homo Deus