Day 0021
Three weeks in. Need some discipline with these drawings; I'm not accurate enough and they look completely different from the original. This is a problem when it comes to drawing portraits of people, I can never make it look like them. Slow down! Measure! Don't jump in to shading too soon! Be critical!
Today has been walking, cafes, working, cooking, drawing, listening. It's hard to keep focused on the art when so many other things divide my attention.
I read an article about beauty and it had a quotation from Van Gogh that resonates with how I'm feeling:
I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heartVincent Van Gogh
After a bit of googling I've found an even more apposite quotation from him:
Not a day without a line. By writing, reading, working and practicing daily, perseverance will lead me to a good end.Vincent Van Gogh