Day 0136
Did some anatomy studies tonight. I got set these copies as homework at art school but never bothered. Who knew I'd feel compelled to revisit them one night in Portugal?!
Enjoyed wandering around without a plan. Cafés and a ruined church and a view over the river.
Must read up on the medieval concept of individuality. As far as I remember the general idea is that the 'self' identified more with institutions (like the church) rather than with the individual. The more I travel and the more people I see, the more I'm getting the impression that the notion of the individual as unique, special, different needs refinement. We're all doing approximately the same things and thinking more or less the same thoughts. There are outliers but wait enough time, get a big enough population, and they will repeat. Inevitability of a collision of thoughts and feelings and hopes and aspirations given enough people in the same environment. Convergent evolution of cultural memes.