Day 0164
I was supposed to catch up on some work today, but instead found myself wandering around the monumental cemetery here in Milan. It wasn't something I'd imagine myself wanting to do but I'm glad I went. It's absolutely vast, endless mausoleums, sculptures, tombs, ivy, trees, ants. Calm, empty, safe. Like an art gallery. Tremendously vain, monuments to man's worldly self-regard. Lots of sculptures of devoted wives crying over husbands, angels lamenting, huge tombs jostling for space. So many, some no longer tended and with trees growing through them. Some so big they have stairs inside and huge glass frontages. Bigger than my apartment in London. Desperate and futile need to buy and build immortality and to be remembered.
Enjoyed watching some art documentaries at home tonight, a fantastically passive way to learn and to travel.