Day 0215
Donated more of my stuff to charity, and binned even more. Imagining that I have died and going though my own possessions with a fresh eye, discarding everything that is not part of who I am today. Keeping my art materials and a few books, a few clothes. Overcoming mawkish sentimentality to get rid of the artifacts of my past, remembering that the things themselves have no intrinsic value to me, the importance is all in my head. If I forget it when I no longer have it, it wasn't important.
Set up my easels to do my drawing because I'm aching from leaning over the table to work.
Less is more. So used to living out of a small bag when traveling that all of these possessions at home seem like extravagant encumbrances. Throwing out my old artwork too from when I was young because it is odious and has long ago served its purpose. I carry within me the skills to do even my best work again, and would not mourn its loss. The process of making the art is the end in itself.