Day 0362
I am not so blind as to fail to see that I've got it pretty good at the moment. Living rent-free at home, all my clients away for their holidays and so no demands on my time. Enjoying reading my philosophy books, twiddling around researching code, mucking around with vector graphics, hanging out with my sister and painting.
I don't know whether it is due to my high caffeine intake, sleep deprivation or because my customary background existential anxiety is muted at present, but my head has been boundlessly clear and open all day and yesterday too. It's unusual! It is a shame there is nothing in it, I feel like I have mental energy and appetite but nothing serious or productive to work on. A great bottomless limpid pool, empty but surging with current and undercurrent and ripple and wave. There is no discernible cause to all this swirling, eddying turbulence.
Enjoyed Simon Blackburn's little book on ethics, Being Good, although the arguments against relativism, nihilism, determinism didn't wholly satisfy.