Day 0435
Received a delightfully stiff letter from my Uncle (digitised by my devoted sister) prefacing a tax-efficient cheque from the estate of my still-living Great Auntie. A most welcome defrayment of the costs of a fraction of my Paris-based largesse.
Day began in earnest after noon with coffee and croissant with the family friend I have known since infancy. I bought her Madame Bovary at Shakespeare and Co to spread the good word. It is inappropriately gilt-edged and type-set like the bible, which I thought was an exceedingly agreeable reverence to the irreverent.
Le Marais with Danish girls then Place Vendôme to say a 20-word goodbye to the flaxen-haired fashion assistant. I'm a libertine in everything but the most enjoyable sense, ingrate prude that I am.
Again, no painting. No will or motivation; life goes on just as well without bothering about it, often better.
I would like to talk seriously about art and literature.