Mock driving test showed me how much work I have left before I'll be able to drive on my own. It's slow, difficult and frustrating, and I hate being bad at it. Feeling like I'm letting my instructor down.
Walked from Clare to Cavendish, discussed the benefits of understanding the building blocks that make up everyone's personalities. Accepting that people are fundamentally different and need to be dealt with differently to be most effective. Like everything I'm understanding lately it is nothing more than common sense, but I'm finally beginning to understand that it might have utility and relevance in my own life.
That said, I heartily agree with Montaigne's analysis of the ultimate futility of learning, in that all it can ever do is confirm our profound ignorance.
Finally, should I examine whether it be in the power of man to find out that which he seeks and if that quest, wherein he has busied himself so many ages, has enriched him with any new force, or any solid truth; I believe he will confess, if he speaks from his conscience, that all he has got by so long inquiry is only to have learned to know his own weakness. We have only by a long study confirmed and verified the natural ignorance we were in before. The same has fallen out to men truly wise, which befalls the ears of corn; they shoot and raise their heads high and pert, whilst empty; but when full and swelled with grain in maturity, begin to flag and droop. So men, having tried and sounded all things, and having found in that mass of knowledge, and provision of so many various things, nothing solid and firm, and nothing but vanity, have quitted their presumption, and acknowledged their natural condition. Michel de Montaigne